Hello! My name is Hunter King, I am a 2014 graduate from the Industrial Design program at Carnegie Mellon University. After CMU, I worked at several jobs in the manufacturing sector, learning machining and metalworking as well as quality control practices and metrology. Having worked closely with engineers and ground level machinists, I've developed a more holistic understanding of manufacturing and design that I plan to bring to my future endeavours. Currently I am look for a job in product design, design thinking, or softgood design.
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Design Thinking
I approach any design problem with four steps in mind.
1. Research - gather information using diverse techniques
2. Ideation - start large, then narrow the focus by defining constraints
3. Production - pick an idea to refine and model
4. Presentation - create content to communicate ideas to stakeholders.
Personally, I'm very interested in technology and the natural world. Wilderness survival skills and documentaries about animals that have adapted to city life fascinate me. I get inspired by listening to science communicators like Neil deGrasse Tyson and I can't wait for us to colonize Mars. I'm an avid gamer and a PC building hobbyist. Recently, I've been drawn to Chinese culture and trying to learn Mandarin. In 2016 I visited Hong Kong and I'd like to visit Shenzhen and more of the mainland soon.